SFS - May '15
Previous: $60.10 Spent: $0 Earned: $0 Next Month: $85.10 So I didn't do too much stitching this month. Started my new job and have been busy with that for a week now. It's been interesting falling into a new routine and I think Roxy is still a little confused when I leave in the morning. I did make some progress on Glaceon but I'll set that project aside and work on 12 days next month. Still have the tail to finish, the right design so it's pointing downward like the others, and the light blue accents on the front leg. Played a lot of Diablo III with hubby and friends and kinda lost my stitching bug for a bit since I didn't feel like working on anything. Also, went to Comic Con up in Denver yesterday and had a blast! Met Randal Spangler (not at Con but at the Art festival going on not to far from Con), Karen Hallion, Nei Ruffino and Jewel Staite! Randal asked me about how the cross-stitching projects of his artwork work out as he said he thought it w...