Adventures in the Kitchen and other Fun Surprises!
Okay so today's little blog is actually NOT all about stitching, or really even my current WIP as I'm sure you can tell by the title. Let me start this out by explaining a few things. About a month or so ago Thomas and I went to Kenny's apartment for dinner. Kenny is one of Thomas's old West Point roommates, a good friend, and one of his classmates at this Captain's Career Course. He lives in the same apartment complex as we do, just a few buildings over. We periodically switch around who hosts dinner, usually on the weekends, since Kenny lives by himself but still likes to cook and it's frustrating to cook for only one person. I like to cook as well and we both like to cook for other people so....thus the current arrangement. Well Kenny made homemade pasta that night for dinner and it was AMAZING! Seriously, like WAAAAY better than store bought pasta. He showed me his wonderful metal pasta machine that he had picked up at Ross (or some place like that) y...