SFS - Sept '15
Budget: $28.62 Spent: $12.53 Earned: $0 Carry Over: $16.09 So, I got another stocking for my newest niece. Dimensions Cross Stitch: Stack of Critters Pretty cute huh? ^_^ Goal is to have this done by Thanksgiving so I can give it to Nicki and James for baby Emily who was born on the 16th. That's supposed to get in sometime this week (I think Tuesday) so I'll start that as soon as it gets in. So, what did I work on? Finished the weather tags for calendar and started on the part on the fabric. I also got a wonderful gift from Leonore - TW fruit bell pull kit. ^_^ This will go in my 'To Do' pile and whenever I finish it I'll find a nice place for it.....somewhere. I can't wait to finish stitching up 'calendar' so I can get it all put together. It's stitching up pretty quickly so after I do all the letters, all I'll have to do is go back and backstitch them. I was going to backstitch as I went but I want...