Feb update

So I know I've posted a lot these past couple of days with IHSW, SFS, & WIPocalypse updates but I promised myself I would do a end of the month update for each project. If only so I could see my progress from month to month. :)

Well.....I think I'm going to have this finished by the end of the month.  At least the stitching part.  Then it's just waiting till Emma's birth to do the rest.

So I did about 5,749 stitches this month and I had about 5 days that I back-stitched and only 2 of those days were just back-stitching and no added stitches for my stitch count.

Out of the 28 days in February I only missed 2 days of stitching which is much better than the 4 I missed last month.  So between the two months I've done about 7,857 stitches which averages out to be about 196 stitches/day.

So onto the pictures! ^_^


 Page 1 of the pattern completely finished (including back-stitch or railing & hill) along with part of page 2. 

Close up # 1 of hill & railing back-stitch

Close up #2 of hill and railing back-stitch under the 2nd cart. 

As you can see, I still have the 2nd hill, last cart, railing, border, 2nd flower/grass & sun to finish along with the back-stitching for all of that but since I've gotten about 1 cart finished/month I think it's a do-able goal.

I did notice (when I looked back over my pattern) that the smaller 'roof' of the 2nd cart (where the heart is) was supposed to be the same light orange of the body of the cart. That's what I get for just going on autopilot of the roofs being purple. >.<  I was half tempted to un-stitch all of that and fix it since the red back-stitching of the heart would stand out more, but two things stopped me. 1) I didn't really want to deal with that since I would also have to fix the back-stitching and 2) Sarah's favorite color is purple so I don't think she'll mind.

That and in all honesty she's never going to know the difference. 

My parents are going to be coming for a visit this next weekend (8th) and my husband's birthday is on the 7th so March is already going to be off to a fun start. ^_^ My Mom has seen some of my updates since I've sent her pictures but she's looking forward to seeing it in person.

My goal is to have the top and bottom border finished by this weekend and the right side started.  I think once the border is finished I'll focus on the cart/hill.

Now, the original pattern called for the text to be done in a dark green (the same as the grass) which makes sense since it's on the 'ground' but, as I've said Sarah's favorite color is purple.  There are 3 different shades of purple and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have enough of the darkest and middle shade if I want to use it.  But I don't know.  Should I keep it the green that the pattern calls for?  Or would it be okay to change it to a purple?

Maybe I should wait until I get to that point and try both colors and see which one I like more.

Until next time everyone!  Happy stitching! ^_^


  1. Wait until you get to that point and then choose the purple! haha!! You've gotten so much done :D

  2. I agree with Carla, on both counts. Also never put the name on till the baby is born, Emma might become Emmet. I was luckily not doing a pink one for my nephews little girl, as he turned out to be a boy.

    1. Yeah I wasn't going to add any of the text till the baby was born anyway. They are pretty sure that they're having a girl but it is always possible that the ultrasound isn't clear.

  3. It's really coming along great now - so much progress, I'm sure you will be done soon! And such a cute pattern, I almost wish someone I knew was having a baby, hehe.

    I think either color would be fine for the writing, just pick what you think, a little creativity is still allowed with this kits after all :)

    1. Thanks. I tend to stick with patterns for the most part unless I really don't like something in it....or I mess up and just choose not to fix it. ;)


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