SFS - June '15

So.....I know I am WAY late reporting this, and so it won't qualify for the SFS report but I figured I'd would post it anyway.

Budget: $85.10

Earned: $0
Spent: - $20.20
Remaining: $64.90

Now since this doesn't carry over to the next SFS it doesn't really matter much.

So $7 of that went towards a Mill Hill bead ornament kit that I found at my new LNS :)

So, what did I buy for $13.20? Well there was a garage sale going on locally because of a liquidation sale of an old quilting store. Sadly the owner had passed and the family was getting rid of her store stash. They had floss, aida, fabric, kits, completed quilts and half completed quilts that had been used to display patterns.


They had floss in bags (25 skeins for $1) or individual floss in a bin that you dug through. Thomas and I started digging through the bin to find colors that I needed but after having little success at that, I decided to just take my chance with the bags and ended up buying 8 bags (about 200 skeins of floss)

I also got a project carry case that came with a small pair of scissors and a metallic board to hold patterns with magnetic project cards & magnifying readers for the pattern.

And I got 2 things of ribbed cross-stitching border that I'll use for bookmarks eventually.

As for what I finished, I finished stitching up Glaceon except for the small parts I still need to fix.
I also finished day 3 - French Hens
 And day 4 - Calling Birds

Still behind but having finished 2 days in 1 month, I think I'll be able to catch up soon. :)

Thomas and I also went to the local Renaissance Fair and met up with some of my friends from HS. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we went.

It was a lot of fun and they had a Cat Show that was really fun to see. The white tiger shown above is still young, I think he said she was about a year old. Almost seemed like she was posing for pictures there. :) My friend Tassi took the picture of the tiger and we had a gate employee take the group picture.

Until next time, happy stitching everyone! ^_^


  1. Super excited you were able to get all of that floss and stuff for cheap! That is one of those golden opportunities that should never be passed up :D A little jelly about your 12 days as mine is languishing at Day 2 :(

    But HURRAH for the Ren Fair!

    1. Yea, thinking I should have gotten some more but meh. I got at least SOME new colors and some of those new colors I now have more than one skein of. But I really like the 3 variegated floss and the light effects floss that I got in them as well.

      You'll get back to your 12 days eventually! ^_^ And yes, HUZZAH for Ren Fair! :D

  2. Sounds like you had a great time again! Love the Mill Hill kit, and yay for cheap floss ^_^

    1. Doesn't lead to much stitching but it is fun to get out and about and do things. These MH kits are adorable! ^_^


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