Well Saturday's IHSW hangout was a lot of fun. I got a lot of stitching done, even if it doesn't look like it. About 602 stitches along with some back-stitching. Lots of fun conversations with everyone - and as a result Thomas & I went and saw the Lego Movie today. It was a blast and there were lots of laughing between us. Probably a movie we are going to be picking up once it comes out. And fyi: there is nothing after the credits so don't worry about staying if you don't want to. IHSW progress The orange w/ blue block as well as the flower, it's back-stitching, and the back-stitched grass is what was completed yesterday. The blue stitches next to the orange block are what I'm currently working on as I forgot to take a picture before I started for the day. I think I should be able to finish the rest of the middle block of the bottom border and be able to start on the 3rd cart before March 15th, which is when the b...