WIPocalypse - Feburary

Well.....it's February and this month's topic/question:  How many projects do you generally feel comfortable having in progress at a time? Usually I have 2 or 3 going simply because I will get bored and want to start something else.  However, right now I'm trying to focus on just one, Emma's birth announcement.  So I've had to set aside my butterfly/orchid pattern has been set off to the side. 

I tend to keep project in tote bags when they aren't being worked on so I can keep everything together.  However, I have a few 'project bags' ie: large ziplock bags that my stitch store puts everything in when you purchase it to keep it all together so I've started to do that as well.  I'll grab a tote and take it with me when I have long car ride or trip.  

I have however made some great progress.  I have decided to back-stitch each section of the train when I'm finished.  I think it seems to go faster since I have 'finished' product to look at.  The only thing I have done yet are those dreaded french knots. -__- Those I will leave to the end.  I have some beads that I may/may not use in their place.  If anyone has another suggestion for what to use besides french knots please, let me know! 

It doesn't seem to matter how many videos I watch I just can't get my french knots to come out correctly. -__- Very very very frustrating!

So.....pictures of progress so far:

2/15 Progress
The whole engine done along with the smoke stack.  The middle cart is started along with part of the lion.  The first two parts of the top border is done except for the yellow in spaces left on the blue part.  I kinda forgot about it before I moved on....>.> 

Close up of 'smoke', bird & giraffe
The back stitch for the hill/railroad rails still need to be done but I am waiting to have the rest of the middle wagon done before doing the hill and the whole train done before doing the rails.  This is definitely a pattern that needs back-stitch as you can tell.  
Close up of train engine & teddy conductor.
So far I have about 5,380 stitches done with about 206 stitches/day.  My goal for Feb is to stitch a little bit each day.  My count may be off since there was a couple of days I was like...um....what was that number again? Which typically happened when I was starting to get tired. Oh well, this is mostly just so I can keep myself motivated to stitch each day. 

Happy stitching everyone! 


  1. I love the back stitch as you go, and I agree it makes it look like more is done faster.

  2. Great work! Those French knots just take practice! You'll get there!

  3. I just love this one, too big for the baby one I have yet to do,but thinking I should find a train type one that's 5x7ish as that the size I did for his brother and sister.
    I leave my backstitch for the end, I get a little thrill knowing I'm starting something new on the project,

    1. I normally leave the back stitch for the end as well. I just....this piece looked so unfinished with out it just looked like random blocks of colors so I decided to go ahead and do the back stitch as I went.

  4. Looks great, and you also made a lot of progress :) Soon you will be finished and then you can join us with some small TW design at least!

    1. Yup!!! I'm going to work on 'Stretch' and my 2 bookmarks while I do the stocking. I would really like to have the stitching part of this done my the time her baby-shower rolls around and show it to her but I'm not sure I will. I know the 1st name so I can add that part, I'm just waiting on the middle name, birth date & weight. I will probably add the time too even though it's not included in the original pattern.


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