June IHSW Update

Well IHSW was this past weekend and or once I got to work on something other then Emma's birth record.  Mostly because it's finally finished! ^_^ Miss Emma was born on the 19th at 8:52pm the same day that my teal thread came in from Dimensions so that I could finish the hills. I got that finished, made another copy of the pattern where the text goes so I could figure out the personalization, and waited for the news. 

I'll post pictures of it once it's washed and ironed.

Now, as for what I was working on, I promised Sarah I would make Miss Emma a Christmas Stocking as well.  Sarah picked out the pattern from the list of ones I had saved on Amazon.com, much like she did with the birth record.  She picked out Santa's Sidecar and it's been sitting in my stash waiting for the time I finished the birth record before I started it.

I finally opened it up on the 19th, figured out where I was going to start it, and got the personalization on the pattern done. Only did 476 stitches the first day.  And while that is a lot of stitching, all of it so far has been half-stitches so it's gone a lot faster and I can do more a day.  I decided to start with the dark red color since it makes up the majority of the top band.  These half stitches require 5 threads though, which is different.  I think the reason they are doing this is because I will eventually use red yarn, provided in kit, as the hanger and I think it will give it a nice dimension. We'll see.

I'll have to go to my neighbor, Peggy, and have her help me sew it up once I finish the stitching.  She helped me with the wall hanging I made for my little brother last year and I know she'll be thrilled to help me with the stocking for my niece. I don't have a sewing machine, and while my Mom does have one she hasn't used it in so long she doesn't really remember how to use it, nor was she a fan of sewing to begin with. Peggy however, loves to sew and I know will have no problem helping me out.  Especially because this time there are instructions with it and we don't have to figure out what to do on the fly. :)

So on to progress pictures!

What the completed cross-stitch will look like :)



780 stitches in total (304 for done by the end of that day) and what I was going into the weekend with.

Another 503 stitches added by the end of the day for a total of 1283 in 3 days so far.

By the end of Sunday I did another 390 stitches to finish up the dark red. Total stitches so far 1673 over 4 days.

Till next time, happy stitching everyone! ^_^


  1. That' so cute, and wow you were busy!

  2. Replies
    1. Half crosses help with that. Might slow down once I get to the main body of the stocking with all the full stitches.

  3. It's good to see you work on something else for once and enjoying it so much :) Keep going, you'll be done in no time at all!


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