June SFS

Well, I'm a little late in doing this (as always it seems) mostly because even though I read other SFS blogs I never seem to remember to do mine. -__-

I actually spent some this month, $19.49 to be exact so I have $5.51 left to carry over for this month.  I went to Hobby Lobby here in Lawton for the first time, just to check it out and see what there was to be had since I had a 40% off coupon.  Got a nice kit and leaflet for cross-stitch.  I also picked up a darning needle and a leaflet book of crochet afghan patterns since I'm teaching myself how to crochet and eventually I'd like to make an afghan.

The 'Twelve Days of Christmas' kit is going to be fun with metallic threads and beads. ^_^ And the 'Biker Santa' leaflet I just couldn't pass up since it was on clearance and was just too cute! Don't think I'll start either of those soon though since 'Twelve Days' is another big project and 'Biker' I haven't really looked  through my stash yet to see what threads/fabric I would need.

I finished Emma's birth record and have made a good dent in the stocking for her. Slowly working on that and it seems to be going a bit faster but that might be because it's something new and I'm not bored with it yet.

 Just needs to be washed, ironed, and framed.  Which I need to do this week since I'm going to be giving it to them on the 4th.  Wow where did June go?!  I can't believe it's already the end of June and July is just around the corner.

After the stocking I'm not sure what I'll start.  I want to start R&J but after 2 big projects, and R&J being an even BIGGER project, I might just start a couple of small ones so I have some quick finishes.  Maybe make an ornament or two for Christmas gifts.  Not sure yet. We'll see what I have in stash as far as fabric and thread.  Most of my fabric is already designated for different projects though but we'll see. I know I have some that Carla sent me that I haven't decided what to do with yet.

It's been kind of fun to work on something different but just as bright and colorful as the birth record.  I've been doing the blue half-stitch outlines first then going in and filling in the object.  Kind of like I'm just coloring in a picture. :) I also decided to add beads instead of doing french knots.  I had the blue from my Jim Shore project. I'll have to see if I can find the white/crystal Mill Hill beads I want for the 'snow' part at the bottom of the stocking at Hobby Lobby.  If not I'm going to have to order them online which I'd rather not do since I'd like to see them in person to make sure they're what I want rather than going off of a picture online. I'm also back stitching as I go on this project as well.  It seems to make the project go faster and I like seeing the 'end result' as I go. Probably should have waited to add the beads till the end but I just couldn't wait to see what they would look like and if they didn't work out I wanted to know that right away so I could do the knots instead.

In other news, Thomas and I are pet sitting for a friend this weekend.  A black lab named Duke.  He's pretty much attached himself to me which seems to be fine with Roxy. Now when Thomas is around Duke.....Roxy isn't too happy with that and she'll growl at him.  She's gotten a bit better about him so hopefully if/when we do this again she won't be as upset right away.


He's a sweet dog though so I wouldn't mind watching him again.

Well, until next time...happy stitching everyone! ^_^


  1. Wow! Look how fast you are!! and look at those sweet dogs!

    1. It help that there's a lot of back-stitched designs & beads in the blank space and a lot of half-stitches for the outline. Makes it go faster it seems. I'm starting to slow down now that I'm near the main part with all the full stitches since I'm trying to finish one 'object' before moving on to the next.

    2. Still, it's going much faster than the announcement and I'm really excited you will get giving that to your brother and sister in law this coming weekend!

    3. Me too. Got it washed and started to iron it today. Will finish ironing it tomorrow after it dries more then it's off to find a frame ^_^

  2. It's another case of the magical disappearing comment.
    So I'll start anew, This stocking is looking so good, you're going so fast on it.
    My brother has a black lab, they are such sweet dogs if a tad drooly

    1. Hahaha hate it when that happens!

      Yeah he was drooly but such a sweet heart. He was very excited when his daddy came to pick him up and while we could have just left him in the apartment Thomas and I decided to keep him with us. I didn't feel right leaving him alone.

  3. I love how fast that stocking is going, and your new purchases as well. After I have given in to stash building, now it's your turn!

    1. Haha yeah but I'm going to try and refrain from doing so as much as possible.


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